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4 Burglary Myths Busted. Well 3….


Myth: I don’t need an alarm system if i move into a desirable area. Picture this: I’ve just moved into  an area deemed ‘nice’. We’ve done our research, the crime rate is low, the schools are good, there is a really nice communal feel to the place, the neighbours have already been in and told us that there is a massive neighbourhood watch effort going on in the area. I don’t need an alarm system in an area like this surely ?

Fact: No matter where you live, a house without an alarm is much more likely to get broken into. Estimates suggest that 9 out of 10 burglars would choose to target a home without an alarm than a home with one.

Myth: Burglars break in through discreet areas .

Fact: Whilst often it is the case that burglars will break in through a back window or a back door, they are just as likely to break in through the front door or any open window. Remember burglars are often opportunists looking for an easy way in. One of the easiest ways in for a burglar is through a UPVC front door which has just been closed to and not locked with a key. Using a butter knife they can be in your property through your front door in seconds.

Myth: Most burglaries take place at night.

Fact: Most burglaries take place during the day when people are away from their homes. Between 10am and 3pm.

Myth: A burglar always returns to the scene of the crime.

Fact: We’d love to say this is a myth but there is some partial truth in it. A burglar doesn’t always return to the scene of the crime, but if he gets an easy result you’ll become a target for him or his mates unless you remedy the security situation at your  property. You become even more of a target at this time  if they know your movements. Its crucial you set right the situation with regards to your house security straight  after you are burgled. Remember, burglars will remember what they stole from you and will assume that you have insurance that will cover the replacement of these items. If they come past  again and see no sign of  any new security measures in place chances are they’ll strike again.

Please get in contact if you need any immediate advice Call 01708 572248 or email info@amattergroup.com

Keep safe,




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