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Home Security Esher, Surrey


Looking for a Home Security in Esher, Surrey? Then look no further than an accredited family run company like A Matter of Security.

We are proud to have been security homes and businesses across Esher, Surrey, London and the South East of England for over 40 years and we are proud to be SSAIB accredited and insurance approved.

Many people nowadays think that the best way to protect your property is with a simple ring doorbell, well I am afraid  you’re wrong and reports now suggest that you are more likely to be burgled with one of these installed on your front door.


Burglars very rarely break through peoples front doors they break in thorough the back or that side utility door.

A professional installed monitored intruder alarm system is always the best starting point when protecting your property.

Burglars hate noise, so a new light up siren installed on the front elevation of the property is the best deterrent.  When this make a noise and the strobe flashes increases the chance of a neighbour intervening or the police being called.  If the alarm is monitored and is connected to the police then they will be called automatically.

A simple security light could be an even greater deterrent especially at night.  Burglars hate security lighting.

High Definition CCTV systems these days are relatively cheap and easy to install but it’s the CCTV commissioning that’s important including setting up motion alerts and motion record scenarios so that the customers are able to obtain admissible CCTV evidence when it’s really needed.

Almost all home security systems these days will have the ability to connect to your iPhone or android devices allowing you to receive notifications when someone is on your property, or if it’s CCTV your having installed it’s standard practice to connect the CCTV recorder to the broadband for remote viewing, playback and backup from your smart devices.

Where to Start?

Contact an accredited company either SSAIB like ours or NSI Gold Approved contractor like ours. Contact us Here

Most professional family run security companies will offer a FREE no obligation survey and provide the advice you need including whether to upgrade what you currently have or install something completely new.

We won’t sell you something you don’t need and provide the best advice on how to secure your property within your budget.

Contact our team now for some FREE advice or to book in a FREE risk assessment on your home or business

Call: 01708 572 248 or Contact us Here and let us know how we can provide you with the best home security in Esher, Surrey and the UK.


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