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How does a Biometric Access Control System work?


Biometric Access Control is the most effective way of monitoring the access points of your site. When using other traditional methods, e.g., cards or pin codes, they offer many potential risks. Cards can get stolen or can be shared by an unfaithful employee. Passwords can also be shared or can even be secured forcefully. These risks can cause your company to lose a lot. Further, if you decide to fire an employee and they refuse to return the access card, or if any one of the staff members happens to lose his access card, you will need to issue new cards to the entire staff.

Here, the biometric access control becomes necessary and also highly beneficial. It works by storing the data in the form of mathematical algorithms. This data is the biometrics of the workers, employees, or the staff. This biometric could be of various types

  • Face
  • Iris
  • Fingerprints
  • Palm veins

A company can use any of these to get a secured access control for its site.

Fingerprint Access Control

Using fingerprints of the staff members as a biometric for the access control is the oldest and the most reliable method. As for the faces, irises, or palm veins, changes may occur over the course of time or even due to some temporary reason, whereas fingerprints remain the same throughout the life of a person. Also, no one can steal or share them. They are specific for each person.

Working of a fingerprint access control system

When you get a fingerprint access control system, you will get the fingerprint reading of all your staff members in the fingerprint reader. The fingerprints will be kept as a mathematical algorithm either in the database or in cloud-based storage. Whenever anyone tries to get an entry, the scanned fingerprint is matched with the existing database. If the reader finds a match, the door is opened, and the person is granted entry. Otherwise, the scan is recorded as an intruder attempt.

This procedure is highly secure as no stranger can enter your premises without your permission.

Benefits of using a fingerprint access control system

Using a fingerprint access control will render many benefits that will lead to a safe and secure workplace. Some of its benefits are listed below:

  • They are specific to each person and cannot be shared or stolen.
  • In case of firing an employee, you will only need to delete its entry from the database – no need to spend money on buying new entry cards for the whole staff.
  • The entry and exists of your staff members are kept recorded.
  • Any kind of unusual entry will also be recorded.

If you are planning to switch from the old object-identification access control to the advanced and highly secured biometric access control, contact us at A Matter of Security, we use the best equipment from the Ievo, the leading biometric equipment providing company, and skilled team to secure your entry points effectively and efficiently.

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