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How the Cost of Living Crisis Affects Security


The cost of living crisis is hitting homes and businesses hard. There is no doubt that the knock-on effect of soaring utility bills and rising goods prices is hindering many industries. With price increases set to continue and peak before it improves, many homes and businesses are concerned about finances. Energy suppliers are increasing fees in October and potentially January 2023, too. Despite some attempts from the government to tackle this, it is really just a drop in the ocean when looking at the overall impact. So, how does this cost of living crisis affect the security industry? Read on to find out.

Crime Rates

With many homes heading into poverty due to extreme price increases, theft and violent crimes are rising, particularly in urban regions. The increase in theft can be attributed to people in greater need resorting to crime. Violent crimes are linked to increased cases of stress, depression and poor living circumstances. While property owners cannot influence crime rates, ensuring your property is not vulnerable to opportunistic crime is essential.

Keeping Your Business Safe

Whether you are a business owner or have a home office, keeping your business safe should always be a top priority. In these uncertain times, it is essential to do everything to ensure your property has the best protection. You may feel security is an expense you could cut, but the risks involved with weak security can far outweigh the investment.

Types of Security

All business sites, whether they are construction sites, office blocks, retail locations, small shops, or home businesses, require a robust security system. This could be in the form of remotely operated CCTV, security guards, manual patrols or alarm systems. Ideally, you will utilise a combination of these to deter crime and reassure staff and customers. Another fantastic way to show potential criminals that you take your business security seriously is to display clear signage announcing your security. Many criminals will avoid a business that has clearly invested in decent security.

Final Thoughts

Investing in a reliable security service like A Matter of Security will pay off long-term while protecting your business. Your team will be more productive if they feel secure in their environment, and decent security services give business owners peace of mind and one less thing to worry about.

Contact A Matter of Security on 01708 572248 to discuss your security needs.

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