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South Weald Brentwood, CM14 5QE

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Not All Heroes Wear Capes. Some Wear A SIA Badge. 


I stood outside the Excel centre today talking to one of the security guards there named John (as you do, well as us security people do). How long have you had your door licence? What other security jobs have you done? Where’s the best place in London to get goat curry in his opinion? (he was from Jamaica) 

My Mum was having her first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine (the same one the Queen had according to Mum)  today. She was elated. It’s been a rough year for Mum already. She lost two of her best friends recently to the virus. This is much bigger for some people than just a vaccine. This is personal. 

As I was walking round the Excel centre today I couldn’t help but notice the amount of volunteers there, each one as friendly and welcoming as the next. About 5 of the volunteers commented on my Mum’s mask, it was nice to see my Mum interact with people, it’s what makes us human and it’s what forms society. In a world which seems to have been taken away from us,  I felt the seeds of hope being sown today. Anyway, it was my turn to exit stage right when Mum had to go into the vaccination hall. 

I went for a stroll outside whilst Mum had her jab and this is where I met John the security guard. We covered a few topics, set the world to rights, etc. The conversation drifted towards when he was finishing his shift:

‘It’s a late one.’

I went quiet. I feel embarrassed having three days off in a row now. John is still at work as I  type.  

‘It is an honour to protect the people that are gonna get us out of this. I’m protecting hope.’

That sentence made me tremble. I reached out to shake John’s. He raised his first to spud me. We spudded. I’m so awkward at times.

My phone went off.  It was time for me to go. Mum was waiting outside Costa. 

As I was walking off John shouted after me ‘buy your Mum dinner tonight’

Not all Heroes wear capes, some wear a SIA badge.

Anyway, I’m off to the fish and chip shop.

Keep safe. 

A Matter Group.

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